
Monday, 2 March 2009

Watch Leaders' Training Course

It hardly seems like its been over three years since our last Watch Leaders' Course so we checked the calendar and, sure enough, the last course was in November 2005. So, having comandeered 2 barges, the Shannon-Erne Waterway from Ballinamaore to Keshkerrigan again provided the backdrop to the weekend and provided both Watch Leaders and Section Leaders with a rare opportunity to get away from the 'everyday' running of the Troop and free up some time to focus on leadership skills and techniques.

Many, many thanks to Sean and Fionnuala O Seaghdha for providing us with the use of their house, for assisting with training workshops, for catering for the Gala Dinner and for generally driving all over County Leitrim to ensure the course ran smoothly and successfully.